Please don't push me,
I need to walk these stairs on my own
If you want to go faster, that`s alright.
I can`t go faster than I am able to.
Please don't push me!
I need to stay here for a while
Rest a little, reflect a little, weep a little...
go back one step, feel if I`m ready to move on
Please don't push me!
It hurts to trip over...
Maybe I`ll trip over anyway,
but at least I`ll do it my way
It`s safer that way.
Don`t try to convince me
the next step is easier
just because you`ve walked these roads before
I feel safe when you`re waiting here with me.
It is safe with you around,
I need someone to hold on to,
someone who knows the next step.
It's hard to take all these steps alone...
I'm heading on...have patience
Please don`t push me!